A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

December 2014, Part One: Little Water - Big Water

Some days when Lane is off we load the girls up and take  them exploring too.  On December 4th we headed a little south to the town of Sunrise to spend spent half a day visiting Markham Park.  It's 666-acres contain the Fox Observatory, a radio controlled airplane field, a dog park called Barkham Park, biking and jogging trails, fishing and boating areas, a tennis and racquetball center, volleyball, a swimming pool complex with a mist pool, snack bar, lockers and showers/restrooms.

The girls had a blast.
We pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.
Nice day at the park.

Two days later we got more ambitious and set our sights on The Everglades.  We opted for what we hoped would be the more scenic route, going in on US 41 and going west through the everglades. Then eventually connecting up with I-75 and taking it east back home after dark.  Figured there would not be much scenery from the Interstate.

Just before leaving civilization we picked up some sub sandwiches for a pick-nick lunch later.  Then off we went.

Daisy is always ready to go - anywhere - anytime.

After a while traveling east on US 41, Lane, our expert navigator, decided we should take a side road that she saw that would eventually connect back up with US 41.  What a good decision.  In Goggling it later, I found out that Loop Road is a scenic road that even shows up with a high rating on Trip Advisor.  It is a 24 mile road that is some pavement and some three-rut gravel.

This would be a great Duel Sport motorcycle riding.  Too bad the Suzuki died.
Up close and beautiful.

Every so often we came across individual residences or small groups of residences.  These folks are really living off the beaten path.

This says it all.

Nothing better than riding with your head out the window.  Ahhhhhhhh.
In the middle of nowhere we came across a state maintained graveled parking area complete with pick-nick tables and trash cans.  Perfect place for our late lunch pick-nick.

All smiles after a nice pick-nick lunch in the middle of nowhere.
After finally getting back on US 41, we turned due north toward I 75, on Florida road 29, a nice two-lane road with quite a few alligators out catching the afternoon sun.

And we say these signs all along the road.  They certainly caught our attention.

We got home long after dark.  Everyone was tired, but we had a great outing and saw lots of pretty south Florida scenery.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman

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