A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

November 2014, Part Two:

On some of Lane's days off we head out exploring and in-search-of with no particular plan or destination in mind.  That's what we did on the 18th.  We went back to the A-1-A in Pompano Beach and headed south this time, just to see what we would see.
Talk about riding right along the beach... this is it.
We eventually ended up on US 1, headed into Miami.

The farther into Miami we got, the less we liked it.

Art work on a building in Miami.

Now don't get me wrong. There were some pretty sights.

But the traffic got worst and worse.  We did come across some interesting Christmas decorations.

Eventually we just wanted to get out of the crazy bad traffic and get home.  And getting home took forever.  Not sure if we will ever feel the need to go back into Miami proper.

Toward the end of the month we decided to spend our first real day on the beach.  You know, with bathing suits and sunblock and sand and such.

It was not very crowded.  Nowhere near what  Lane and I are used to seeing on North Carolina beaches in the summer.

Our little spot on the sand.
What a way to spend a winter.  We could get used to this.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman

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