A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

Whirl-wind trip to F-Town

While we were exploring the Florida Keys I had gotten a phone call from our LP gas supplier for our permanent residence back in North Carolina.  It seems they had gone to fill the LP tank and found it completely empty.  Their conclusion - a leak has developed somewhere in our system.  They filled the tank but locked it off.  They are required to perform a leak test to find and fix the leak before they can turn the gas back on, and we (or someone) have to be there for them to do the test.     Blahhhh.

We follow the weather in North Carolina and were quite aware they have had a particularly cold winter this year.  Fortunately our house there was originally built with electric baseboard heat, which we left turned on low enough to be an emergency back-up heat for just this kind of emergency, to keep pipes and fixtures from freezing and bursting.

Its a minimum 12 hour trip to get there from Tamarac, and I did not relish the thought of making a "quick" trip there and back by myself, so Lane did a slight rearrangement of here schedule to allow for three days off in a row.  Leave on Sunday, meet with the gas people on Monday, and return to Tamarac on Tuesday.

It turned out we had no leak.  They had simply let the tank run out.  Their super-smart computer miss predicted when we would need gas.  A lot of wasted driving, wasted gasoline, and wasted time.  Ugggg.

On the way back we had a nice rest stop at one of Florida's scenic rest stops.

A Travel Nurse "On Top Of The World."

Moss hanging from a large, old tree.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman

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