A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

New Bikes

While we had been in Dallas, Texas we often talked about how we really should get some bicycles to ride as recreation.  We spent a lot of time window shopping, both at stores and on-line.  The bikes at the big box stores like Wal-Mart were very affordable, but always felt flimsy and "cheap."  The nicer bikes in bicycle stores did not seem so flimsy, but neither were they cheap (inexpensive).

I still had my 30 year old Schwinn 10 speed in the garage.  It needed work, but I decided to give it a go.  I had brought it back with us to Florida after our January trip to North Carolina.  Lane was definitely against  putting any money into the old bike, but I wanted to do it anyway.  I had two new wheels and tires put on it, and I cleaned it up really well.  Looked great.  It was a little more uncomfortable than I remembered it having been when I was a teenager. But so what.

We bit the bullet and bought Lane a new Electra Townie.  It is a very nice bike.  Very sturdy, and fits her well.  On one of our first trips out, however, she was still getting used to riding again, and had a little crash into a grassy median.  She was pretty sore for several days, but recovered.

A little banged up and sore, but nothing broken.

After she recovered from her little tumble we headed out to try it again.  This time we stopped at a Chic-Fil-A for a snack and drink.

Lane's Electra Townie and my Schwinn Varsity
Later that same day disaster struck again, but this time it was with me.  I guess the $50 a piece wheels I had put on the Schwinn were a lot cheaper than I realized.  While mounting the bike the rear wheel buckled under me.  The wheel was ruined.  The Schwinn original wheels must have been a lot stronger than the $50 after market wheel.

Oh Noooooooo.
As much as it pained me to, I admitted to Lane she was right and I never should have even tried rehabilitating the ole' Schwinn.  Rather that throwing even more good money into it, I gave up.  It was eventually returned to the garage storage.

With no bike for me to ride too, Lane stopped riding.  So I realized I needed to do something, so we eventually got a bike for me.  Another Electra Townie.  But this one is the "tall man" frame size. Very comfortable and sturdy.  And the Electras have a lifetime warranty on everything except rubber (tires, tubes, and break shoes).

My Townie during a lunch pick-nick outing.

Lane's Townie

Looking forward to may fun days on bicycle outings to come.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman

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