A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

A Travel Nurse and her House-Boy

Key West

In the first week of February we did as we often do on one of Lane's days off - we all piled in the truck and headed out to explore.  We packed a pic-nic lunch and headed south.  Our initial half-plan was go to Key Largo and have lunch, which we did.

Lunch in the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
After lunch we kept exploring south on US 1 and several hours later ended up in Key West.  I guess we were a little (or  lot) naive in our expectations of finding a quiet, tranquil, secluded island paradise.  Not hardly.  It was way to crowded and developed for our taste.  We parked at the extreme southernmost end and got out to walk a little and elbow our way to the famous marker.

At the Southernmost US marker in Key West
I could not believe there was a long line of folks waiting to take their pictures at the marker.  It was way more crowded than I expected it to be.

Sun set at Key West
We arrived home than night quite tired from all the riding, but were glad we had been to see Key West.  It was one of the things on our check-off list.  Seeing, exploring, experiencing.  Having a good time on this traveling adventure.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman

New Bikes

While we had been in Dallas, Texas we often talked about how we really should get some bicycles to ride as recreation.  We spent a lot of time window shopping, both at stores and on-line.  The bikes at the big box stores like Wal-Mart were very affordable, but always felt flimsy and "cheap."  The nicer bikes in bicycle stores did not seem so flimsy, but neither were they cheap (inexpensive).

I still had my 30 year old Schwinn 10 speed in the garage.  It needed work, but I decided to give it a go.  I had brought it back with us to Florida after our January trip to North Carolina.  Lane was definitely against  putting any money into the old bike, but I wanted to do it anyway.  I had two new wheels and tires put on it, and I cleaned it up really well.  Looked great.  It was a little more uncomfortable than I remembered it having been when I was a teenager. But so what.

We bit the bullet and bought Lane a new Electra Townie.  It is a very nice bike.  Very sturdy, and fits her well.  On one of our first trips out, however, she was still getting used to riding again, and had a little crash into a grassy median.  She was pretty sore for several days, but recovered.

A little banged up and sore, but nothing broken.

After she recovered from her little tumble we headed out to try it again.  This time we stopped at a Chic-Fil-A for a snack and drink.

Lane's Electra Townie and my Schwinn Varsity
Later that same day disaster struck again, but this time it was with me.  I guess the $50 a piece wheels I had put on the Schwinn were a lot cheaper than I realized.  While mounting the bike the rear wheel buckled under me.  The wheel was ruined.  The Schwinn original wheels must have been a lot stronger than the $50 after market wheel.

Oh Noooooooo.
As much as it pained me to, I admitted to Lane she was right and I never should have even tried rehabilitating the ole' Schwinn.  Rather that throwing even more good money into it, I gave up.  It was eventually returned to the garage storage.

With no bike for me to ride too, Lane stopped riding.  So I realized I needed to do something, so we eventually got a bike for me.  Another Electra Townie.  But this one is the "tall man" frame size. Very comfortable and sturdy.  And the Electras have a lifetime warranty on everything except rubber (tires, tubes, and break shoes).

My Townie during a lunch pick-nick outing.

Lane's Townie

Looking forward to may fun days on bicycle outings to come.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman

January 2015 - A Late Christmas

Christmas day came and went as it so often has done for one or both of us - working.  Lane's first contract here came to an end near the middle of the month, and she arranged for a short break at the beginning of the second one.  We used that break for a trip back to good ole' North Carolina to have a little time at our house there and also see our family for a belated Christmas.

One of the first things we really wanted to do when we arrived back in F-Town was eat at our favorite restaurant there - Fat Buddies.  If you ever get a chance to eat there, you should.  Great food. The original location is in Franklin, and they have a second location in Waynesville.

Carolina Chicken Tender Salad...   So delicious.
After a brief stay at the house in F-Town we boarded the girls there and headed east to visit with family.  We celebrated Christmas with daughters Jen and Kath and Jen's husband Zach.

A happy Travel Nurse with our daughters.
We really enjoyed getting to see and visit with so many family members during this trip.  But all to soon it was time to return to F-Town, pick up the girls, close up the house again, and head back to Florida.  I do have to say, the cold North Carolina winter weather was quite a shock for us after having been spoiled by the moderate winter weather of south Florida.  I have commented several times now, I understand now why many folks spend the winter in south Florida.

"You can't explore it if you haven't ever been there."
Brian Hallman